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E-book is short for Electronic Book or electronic books. E-book is not another form of a book that can be opened through an electronic computer. E-book file this form with a variety of formats, have the form of pdf (portable document format) that can be opened with Acrobat Reader program or the like. There is also a form with htm format, which can be opened with the internet browsing or eksplorer offline. There is also a form of exe format.

In most e-book form of the pdf format. Because it is easy to use and easy to work in security. To open this in your computer must have Acrobat Readernya program. You can download the program (Acrobat Reader 5.0 and WinZip 8.0) at various sites, such as

You can run the program through the Acrobat Reader program files in your computer, then open the browser with search and location of the file you e-book, in the folder where you saved.

Usually the form of a file icon is like this :

KBA E-Book.pdf

Look for files that have pictures like the above example, or the berekstensi pdf. Then click the button open.

Alternatively you can use other browsers first, such as Window Eksplorer. Search the file as above and double click. So E-Book that you click will open soon.

Opening the way KBA E-Book.

Download file KBA E-Book from us, save the file in a folder that you will remember. The file is still in Zip format. Before you open the program Acrobat Reader. You must first extract the files kba_e_book (also for other books). How to extract or analyze the use WinZip or similar program.

How to extract Zip files with WinZip 8.0 program.:

1. WinZip, open the program in the program

files on your computer.

2. Click on the contact button I consent

Agree, after that when the box appears

expired and press OK.

3. Then the Welcome box appears, press


4. Box appears and then what do you want

to do? Select Unzip or install an

existing Zip archive, and press next>

5. Then box appears Click on the Zip file

you want to use, press the Search button


box appears choose the field Let me field

find it (not automatic). Then, the box appears

browsing, the search for a Zip file akan

You extract in accordance with

folder where you want to use for

before saving it.

6. After you select the file to its press OK,

ago in the next box and press next.

7. Then the box will appear

Where you will use to

save the file results. When you akan

Favorite store in Zip Folders

then press Yes, if you will

save the file in the folder options

You press' No ", then select the folder where

that you will use to


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Now, wait a minute after

select "close".

Zip files then you have already unravel and you can use it.

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Dick Innes Books

You Can't Fly With a Broken Wing

$11.99 $5

You Can't Fly With a Broken Wing by Dick Innes, Founder/Director of ACTS International and ACTS Communications.

Don't let your past determine your future. Read this book on thehealing of persons for healthier living and the enrichment of lovingrelationships.

Do you ever feel as if you're sitting in a market basket and beingpropelled down the aisles of a huge supermarket of physical andemotional booby traps? You're rushed down the aisle of aches and pains;slammed into the counter of migraines; whipped around the corner toallergies; pushed into a back room stored with depressions, worries,anxieties, and fears?

If so, Dick Innes may have a way to help you get out of the basket of agony. In his book You Can't Fly with a Broken WingDick tells a little about his own journey through the "demonic"super-market and gives you ten principles or laws that, if applieddiligently, will lead you to a healthier, more wholesome, fulfilling,and loving life.

Readers write:

"I am going through the You Can't Fly with a Broken Wing for the third time. It is soooo awesome." – Joan M.

"You Can't Fly with a Broken Wingis the most helpful book I have ever read. I encouraged several friendsto purchase a copy and together via telephone meetings we arediscussing the book. I need another copy immediately. Please send byexpress mail." – Lanelle, Georgia

"I have so enjoyed your book, You Can't Fly with a Broken Wing,that I purchased 5 copies and am sharing them with the Pastors of ourchurch as well as friends. I have found its content life changing. Youwrite from the heart and God is using that book!" – Dave F.

"I can't tell you how meaningful the chapter on 'The Magic Number' wasfor me. I found it very freeing regarding a relationship that has beenbroken for 15 years!" – Carol J.

"I gave my copy away of You Can't Fly with a Broken Wing and want two more. This is the most helpful Christian book I have read for 30 years." – Loraine from Australia

"I have just finished reading You Can't Fly with a Broken Wing and I agree with this comment from one of your readers who said, 'This is the most helpful book I have ever read.'" – Rose M.

Dick Innes is the Founder and Director of ACTS International and ACTS Communications. He is a former editor of Psychology for Livingmagazine published by the Narramore Christian Foundation, a Christianmental health organization located in Southern California. He is alsoan instructor in the Divorce and Grief Recovery ministry at the CrystalCathedral in Garden Grove, California.He has authored three books: Besides You Can't Fly with a Broken Wing he has authored the best seller, I Hate Witnessing, and How to Mend a Broken Heart.He has written more than 250 Encounter brochure articles—40 million ofwhich have been distributed in several countries. He has led seminarsand spoken to many groups in Australia, New Zealand, and the U.S., andis the author of Daily Encounter, the week-day email devotional of ACTS International which goes to 145,000+ readers worldwide, and editor of Weekend Encounter going to 10,000+ readers worldwide.Originally from Australia Dick has lived in Southern California since the early 1980s.

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Memiliki blog juga berarti menambah peluang untuk mendapatkan uang dari internet. Berikut ini beberapa program di internet yang dapat digunakan untuk menambah pendapatan kita :
1. Text Link Ads : Iklan berbasis teks berbayar yang sangat
populer (

2. LinkWorth : Anda bisa mendapatkan penghasilan sebesar
70% dari kontrak iklan yang diterima Linkworth. (

3. Text Link Brokers : Anda bisa menghasilkan uang dengan jual beli
link di direktori situs anda. (

4. Live Customer : Iklan HTML statis teks dengan rasio bulanan
flat. (

5. Link Adage : Anda bisa menghubungkan advertiser dengan
publisher. (

6. Direct-Link-Ads : Anda bisa menghasilkan hingga 75%
pendapatan iklan. (

7. PaidTextLinks : Program periklanan dengan hanya teks link
kecil. (

8. Kontera : Anda bisa membuat link kontekstual dengan
otomatis. (

9. AdSter : Anda bisa mengkustomisasi iklan sehingga
cocok dengan website anda. (

10. Vibrant Media : Periklanan tekstual top brand seperti vodafone,
microsoft, apple, acer, cisco, dll. (

11. : Layanan iklan teks yang sederhana.

12. SearchFriendlyAds : Layanan berbasis teks juga tetapi websitenya
belum optimal. (

13. KickStartCart : Menyediakan kereta belanja untuk produk
yang anda pilih, account sebagai penjual, dan alat-alat pembantu anda untuk
penjualan. (

14. Paypal : Merupakan salah satu dari pilihan murah untuk
menjual produk anda. (

15. EasyStoreCreator : Menyediakan packaging yang termasuk
hosting, integrasi dengan account anda dan kereta belanja.

16. 1ShoppingCart : Menyediakan berbagai packaging berbeda
dengan tools untuk penjualan, kereta belanja dan account tersendiri.

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produk anda atau produk lain yang ingin anda jual.

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20. Americart : Memberikan trial 30 hari bebas resiko. (http://

21. MonsterCommerce : Fitur program bagi hasil penjualan ini sangat
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23. Yahoo Publisher Network : Alternatif adsense yang dikelola oleh Yahoo

24. Ads-Click : Anda bisa mengatur harga per klik iklan yang
ditampilkan situsmu. (

25. AdBrite : Anda bisa mngontrol dan mengkustomisasi
pilihanmu (

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Yahoo (

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28. Clicksor : Program iklan kontekstual.

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30. RevenuePilot : Anda bisa mendapatkan 60% penghasilan dari
program PPC ini. (

31. SearchFeed : Salah satu pilihan lain iklan PPC bertarget.

32. OneMonkey : Anda bisa mendapatkan 80% dari total
penghasilan periklanan PPC. (

33. Miva MC : Periklanan PPC plus pilihan iklan kontekstual
PPD (PayPerDisplay). (

34. Commission Junction : Salah satu dari pemimpin program afiliasi di
seluruh dunia, memiliki banyak produk. (

35. ClickBank : Menyediakan produk-produk afiliasi yang bisa
didownload. (

36. LinkShare : Mengklaim dirinya merupakan jaringan
pemasaran afiliasi berbasis pay-per-performance terbesar.

37. Amazon : Merupakan program afiliasi tertua dan paling
sukses. (

38. ReviewMe : Anda akan dibayar untuk membahas suatu
website dan menuliskannya pada blog anda. (

39. PayPerPost : Anda dapat menghasilkan uang dengan
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Beberapa Search Engine Populer

Untuk bisa dikenal di dunia maya, sama seperti dunia nyata, anda harus memperkenalkan diri terlebih dahulu. Cara termudah, pilihlah orangorang yang memang terkenal gaul untuk anda temui terlebih dahulu. Seiring dengan luasnya pergaulan mereka, tentu saja nama anda juga akan ikut dikenal luas. Begitu juga di internet. Cukup daftarkan blog anda ke beberapa situs pencari (search engine) yang ada di internet dan merekalah yang akan memperkenalkan anda kepada para pengguna internet. Beberapa situs pencari yang ada di dunia maya adalah :

1. Google (

Untuk mendaftar anda bisa ke

2. Yahoo (

Untuk mendaftar anda bisa ke

3. MSN (

Untuk mendaftar anda bisa langsung ke

5. Live (

Untuk mendaftar anda bila ke

6. Altavista (

Untuk mendaftar anda bisa ke

7. AOL (

Untuk mendaftar anda bisa ke

8. Alltheweb (

Untuk mendaftar anda bisa ke

9. Baidu (

Untuk mendaftar anda bisa ke

Setelah mendaftarkan diri di situs-situs pencari ini, mereka akan mulai mengcrawl

(menelusuri) situs anda dan memasukkan situs anda ke dalam daftar

mereka. Ketika seseorang melakukan pencarian lewat situs-situs tersebut dan

salah satu keywordnya berkaitan dengan situs anda, maka situs anda akan

ikut muncul pada hasil pencarian tersebut.

Beberapa Situs Penyedia Asesoris Blog :









Apr 3, 2009 | 0 komentar

Apa itu Adobe Photoshop..???

Adobe Photoshop, atau biasa disebut Photoshop, adalah perangkat lunak editor citra buatan Adobe Systems yang dikhususkan untuk pengeditan foto/gambar dan pembuatan efek. Perangkat lunak ini banyak digunakan oleh fotografer digital dan perusahaan iklan sehingga dianggap sebagai pemimpin pasar (market leader) untuk perangkat lunak pengolah gambar, dan, bersama Adobe Acrobat, dianggap sebagai produk terbaik yang pernah diproduksi oleh Adobe Systems. Versi kedelapan aplikasi ini disebut dengan nama Photoshop CS, versi sembilan disebut Photoshop CS2 dan terakhir ini adalah Adobe Photoshop CS4.

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Having a blog also means the opportunity to get money from the internet. Here are some programs on the Internet that can be used to increase our income:

1. Text Link Ads: text-based ads that are paying popular (

2. LinkWorth: You may have accrued 70% of the advertising contract is received Linkworth. (

3. Text Link Brokers: You can make money with the sale and purchase link directory in your site. (

4. Live Customer Service: Ad static HTML text with the ratio of monthly flat. (

5. Link Adage: You can connect with advertiser publisher. (

6. Direct-Link-Ads: You can generate up to 75% ad revenue. (

7. PaidTextLinks: Program advertising with text-only link small. (

8. Kontera: You can make the link with the contextual automatically. (

9. AdSter: You can customize the ads so that match your website. (

10. Vibrant Media: Advertising textual top brands such as vodafone, microsoft, apple, acer, cisco, etc.. (

11. Services that simple text ads. (

12. SearchFriendlyAds: Services but also text-based website not optimal. (

13. KickStartCart: Providing products for the shopping cart that you select, the account as a seller, and tools for your parlormaid sales. (

14. Paypal: It is one of the options for cheap sell your products. (https: //

15. EasyStoreCreator: Provide packaging that includes hosting, integration with your account and your shopping cart. (

16. 1ShoppingCart: Provide a variety of different packaging with tools for sales, shopping cart and segregated accounts. (

17. ASecureCart: shopping cart services adequate yield (

18. GotShoppingCart? : Free version for shopping cart your products or other products that you wish to sell. (

19. 3D Cart: Also provide sales, statistics and others. (

20. Americart: Provide a 30-day free trial risk. (

21. MonsterCommerce: Features program for the sale is highly much. (

22. Google Adsense: most popular PPC program on the internet

23. Yahoo Publisher Network: adsense alternative, which is managed by Yahoo

24. Ads-Click: You can set the price of ads that you display the site.

25. AdBrite: You can customize the control and that you select (

26. Search ABC: two options other than the PPC and Google Yahoo

27. BidVertiser: Program advertising network with knowledgeable PPC

28. Clicksor: contextual advertising program.

29. Qads: Qumana's advertising program using separate software.

30. RevenuePilot: You can get 60% of revenue This PPC program.

31. SearchFeed: One of the other options targeted PPC ads.

32. OneMonkey: You can get 80% of the PPC advertising revenue. (

33. Miva MC: Advertising PPC contextual ads plus the option PPD (PayPerDisplay). (

34. Commission Junction: One of the leaders in affiliate program throughout the world, have many products. (

35. ClickBank: Provide products that affiliates can downloaded. (

36. LinkShare: claim itself is a network based affiliate marketing pay-per-performance largest.

37. Amazon: It is the affiliate program's oldest and most success. (

38. ReviewMe: You will be paid to discuss a website and write it on your blog. (

39. PayPerPost: You can make money with write about the website, products, services and companies.
Apr 1, 2009 | 0 komentar
Some Popular Search Engine

To be known in the virtual world, just like the real world, you have to introduce myself first. The easiest way, choose the person who is famous gaul to meet you first. Along with the extent of their truck, of course, your name will also participate in the broad. So also on the internet. Simply register your blog to search multiple sites (search engines) on the internet and they will introduce you to the internet users. Some sites have a search in the virtual world is:

1. Google (

To register you will be able to

2. Yahoo (

To register you will be able to

3. MSN (

To sign up you can jump to

5. Live (

To sign up to when you

6. Altavista (

To register you will be able to

7. AOL (

To register you will be able to

8. Alltheweb (

To register you will be able to

9. Baidu (

To register you will be able to

After registering on the site-search this site, they will start mengcrawl your site and enter your site to the list them. When someone searches through these sites and keywordnya one associated with your site, then your site will be participate in the search results appear in it.
Mar 12, 2009 | 0 komentar
Mar 10, 2009 | 0 komentar

Berikut adalah cara instal XML template yang terdapat pada blogger yang baru (non classic)

1.Klik Link Download, Kemudian Save File Anda. Save aja di desktop biar gampang nyarinya.
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5.Klik Browse- Pilih File yang anda inginkan yang tadi sudah anda simpan. Kalo udah ketemu kemudian klik OK dan Klik Upload.
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*sumber dirangkum dari webtalks dan bloggertricks
Mar 6, 2009 | 0 komentar

Media blog pertama kali dipopulerkan oleh, yang dimiliki oleh PyraLab sebelum akhirnya PyraLab diakuisi oleh Google.Com pada akhir tahun 2002 yang lalu. Semenjak itu, banyak terdapat aplikasi-aplikasi yang bersifat sumber terbuka yang diperuntukkan kepada perkembangan para penulis blog tersebut.

Blog mempunyai fungsi yang sangat beragam, dari sebuah catatan harian, media publikasi dalam sebuah kampanye politik, sampai dengan program-program media dan perusahaan-perusahaan. Sebagian blog dipelihara oleh seorang penulis tunggal, sementara sebagian lainnya oleh beberapa penulis, . Banyak juga weblog yang memiliki fasilitas interaksi dengan para pengunjungnya, seperti menggunakan buku tamu dan kolom komentar yang dapat memperkenankan para pengunjungnya untuk meninggalkan komentar atas isi dari tulisan yang dipublikasikan, namun demikian ada juga yang yang sebaliknya atau yang bersifat non-interaktif.

Situs-situs web yang saling berkaitan berkat weblog, atau secara total merupakan kumpulan weblog sering disebut sebagai blogosphere. Bilamana sebuah kumpulan gelombang aktivitas, informasi dan opini yang sangat besar berulang kali muncul untuk beberapa subyek atau sangat kontroversial terjadi dalam blogosphere, maka hal itu sering disebut sebagai blogstorm atau badai blog.


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